Nature-Based Solutions in the Camargue’s Former Saltworks

Dec 20, 2018 | Publications

In order to mitigate the consequences of climate change that are predicted to increase in the 21th century, Nature-Based Solutions appear more and more as an efficient answer on a long-term basis, economical for public finances, and positive for natural ecosystems.

This leaflet introduces to this concept and presents the way it is implemented in the Lagoons and Marshes on the former Camargue Saltworks by the managers of the site, of which the Tour du Valat.

Bibliographical reference: Segura L., M. Thibault & B. Poulin. Nature based Solutions: Lessons learned from the restoration of the former saltworks in southern France. Tour du Valat. 2018. France.

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Policy Brief – How can coastal wetlands help achieve EU climate goals?

Policy Brief – How can coastal wetlands help achieve EU climate goals?

The newly published Policy Brief by the RESTORE4Cs project, titled “How can coastal wetlands help achieve EU climate goals?”, underscores the significant role European coastal wetlands play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions when they are well-preserved and restored. read more

Restoring Mediterranean Wetlands: The new policymaker’s playbook for sustainable management and ecosystem restoration by 2030

Restoring Mediterranean Wetlands: The new policymaker’s playbook for sustainable management and ecosystem restoration by 2030

This handbook has been prepared in the framework of the project “Strengthening the restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands for nature and people" funded by the MAVA Foundation. It has been coordinated by WWF Spain, MedWet and Tour du Valat in partnership with PIM Initiative and MEDSEA. The ... read more

Help us to preserve and restore Mediterranean wetlands – Become one of the MedWetland Watchers

Help us to preserve and restore Mediterranean wetlands – Become one of the MedWetland Watchers

Since 2017, a coalition of conservation bodies – ‘MedIsWet’ – have been on a mission. It’s their aim to raise awareness of the particular importance of wetlands on Mediterranean islands, and drive regional efforts to save them. So why are island wetlands special? read more

Making the right decisions for nature: a practical guide to implement Nature-based Solutions

Making the right decisions for nature: a practical guide to implement Nature-based Solutions

This document targets policy-decision makers, public and private investors. Its ambition is to convince decision-makers to plan, implement and invest resources in NbS, with a final goal to make them more operational and systematize their uptake. It was developed thanks to the financial support ... read more

Factsheets of successful restoration cases

Factsheets of successful restoration cases

Discover successful restoration cases of a few Mediterranean coastal wetlands used as a Nature-based solution to tackle the biodiversity and climate crisis in the region. read more

Training on “Ecological wetland restoration” for wetland managers and practitioners​

Training on “Ecological wetland restoration” for wetland managers and practitioners​

This online training was organised, from 20 to 22 June, 2022, by Tour du Valat, with the support of MedWet, in the framework of the project “Strengthening the restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands for nature and people”, coordinated by WWF Spain and financed by MAVA Foundation. read more

Monitoring the health of our coastal wetlands – the Wetland Index: Case studies across the Mediterranean

Monitoring the health of our coastal wetlands – the Wetland Index: Case studies across the Mediterranean

The Wetland Index (WI) is a tool that aims at monitoring the health of wetlands using a simple, cost-efficient, and replicable method. The assessment, based on the IBA monitoring framework, can be undertaken each year even with limited resources. read more

Hear the stories of our Mediterranean Wetlanders

Hear the stories of our Mediterranean Wetlanders

Here you can find the powerful and moving stories from Wetlanders who share their links with wetlands, and their experiences and actions to preserve those ecosystems of high ecological value. read more

Tools to sustain wetland<br src=

Tools to sustain wetland
restoration efforts in
the Mediterranean

Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems in the world, providing essential ecosystem services both for people and nature. In particular, they are crucial for climate change adaptation and mitigation. But their loss and degradation are three times faster than forests, and in the ... read more

The Economics of Nature-based Solutions: opportunities for Mediterranean coastal wetlands

The Economics of Nature-based Solutions: opportunities for Mediterranean coastal wetlands

This series of webinars is organised in the framework of the Wetland-based Solutions project to help coastal wetland managers, practitioners and decision-makers to understand and implement solutions where nature and socio-economic aspects can live in harmony. read more

TESSA: A tool to assess the benefits of nature

TESSA: A tool to assess the benefits of nature

TESSA provides wetland managers, conservation practitioners, and the private sector with a step-by-step guidance on practical methods to assess and value these crucial benefits (ecosystem services) at a site as well as how to present and communicate on these results to influence decision-making. read more

Oristano Coastal Marine Wetlands Contract

Oristano Coastal Marine Wetlands Contract

The Gulf of Oristano is home to 85,000 people, but significant parts of the area could be flooded by 2100 due to climate change. In response to this threat, the Oristano Coastal Contract is a ground-breaking multidisciplinary policy plan that involves mayors, citizens and businesses all working together towards the effective management and sustainable development of the territory. The agreement signed in Oristano has since become a model for collective management of wetlands in the Mediterranean. read more

A flooded future: Sea level rise in Buna Delta

A flooded future: Sea level rise in Buna Delta

The Buna River delta hosts the most important wetlands of high ecological value in the Eastern Mediterranean. Crop and livestock production, fishing and tourism in and around the Buna River are all heavily dependent on healthy wetland resources. But unsustainable practices putting pressure on these local ecosystems which are already highly threatened by the climate crisis. read more

Reviving Ulcinj Salina

Reviving Ulcinj Salina

Ulcinj Salina is a Ramsar site and one of the most important stopovers for migrating birds in Europe. Built in the 1930s, the salina once provided valuable income for local communities; but in 2013 salt production was stopped and the salt basins were left to dry out. In response, EuroNatur Foundation and its partners BirdLife Europe and Central Asia, the Centre for Protection and Research of Birds (CZIP), the Dr Martin Schneider-Jacoby Association (MSJA) and Tour du Valat launched the international #SaveSalina campaign, aiming to drive actions at local, regional and international levels to save and restore this unique coastal wetland in the Adriatic. read more

Ghar El Melh: building resilience in Tunisia’s most precious wetlands

Ghar El Melh: building resilience in Tunisia’s most precious wetlands

Looking out across Tunisia’s Ghar el Melh lagoon, a Wetland of International Importance, the city of Ghar el Melh embodies a unique natural and cultural heritage. But for the last 10 years, the lagoon has been suffering from intensive development pressures, their impact exacerbated by climate change. Urgent action is needed to save this precious ecosystem and the vital services it provides to local communities. read more

Mediterranean wetland restoration: an urgent priority

Mediterranean wetland restoration: an urgent priority

Restoring wetlands is an effective solution to ensure the supply of essential ecosystem services for the Mediterranean Basin and it is the urgent and essential Nature-based solution to the region’s most pressing challenges such as the climate crisis. This Policy paper was produced by the 'Wetland-based Solutions project' in collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean. read more

Assessment and identification of potential wetlands to be restored in Mediterranean countries

Assessment and identification of potential wetlands to be restored in Mediterranean countries

This report has been produced in the framework of the project “Strengthening the Restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands for Nature and People” funded by the MAVA Foundation. read more

Legal use of water in agriculture

Legal use of water in agriculture

The publication is also available in FR & AR | The purpose of this guide is to provide auditors and inspectors from agricultural product certification companies, as well as technicians and farmers who require it, with a useful tool to enable them to tackle the complex task of auditing legal water use. read more

Infographics on the role of wetlands to fight climate change and biodiversity crises

Infographics on the role of wetlands to fight climate change and biodiversity crises

Infographics showing how coastal wetlands are nature-based solutions to extreme weather, sea level rise, water stress, carbon storage and biodiversity crisis. read more

Coastal wetlands and the climate crisis: Why the Mediterranean needs nature-based solutions

Coastal wetlands and the climate crisis: Why the Mediterranean needs nature-based solutions

The Mediterranean is getting hotter – and we need its coastal wetlands more than ever. This publication explains why they matter, particularly when it comes to climate change, and the groundbreaking work that MAVA M3 partners and the Off Your Map campaign, led by MedWet, are building to preserve and restore these vital ecosystems. read more

Wetland Biodiversity is in Crisis – Infographic

Wetland Biodiversity is in Crisis – Infographic

Healthy wetlands play an essential role as a habitat for biodiversity that can help to adapt to climate change. Mediterranean wetlands are a particularly important habitat for migratory birds.  However they are threatened under human pressure, reducing their capacity to preserve ... read more

The Governance of Coastal Wetlands in the Mediterranean: A Handbook

The Governance of Coastal Wetlands in the Mediterranean: A Handbook

2020, Published by PAP/RAC "This Handbook is designed as a practical guide for the governance of coastal wetlands around the Mediterranean, whether they are formally protected as Ramsar Sites, those designated under national or local legislation, or those lacking any formal protection. It ... read more

Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection

Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection

Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection is a short animated video, which captures the deep rootedness of wetlands in our lives, our souls and our history – and the way in which we humans increasingly threaten them. read more

Barcelona COP 21 Policy Position Paper

Barcelona COP 21 Policy Position Paper

At Barcelona Convention COP 21, MedWet and Off Your map partners called for urgent action to support Mediterranean coastal areas and wetlands. This policy position paper highlights the critical role coastal wetlands play as resilient Nature-based Solutions in the fight against climate change, and advocates for a more effective conservation of these biodiversity and culture-rich natural habitats. read more

Saltpans and Ponds: Socio-Ecosystems Connecting Lives

Saltpans and Ponds: Socio-Ecosystems Connecting Lives

Salarte and BirdLife have joined forces to help recover and promote wetlands of the East Atlantic Flyway, demonstrating that nature conservation and green economy can go hand in hand, and that protecting wildlife is in fact be a benefit to local income. read more

Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean: A report by IUCN

Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean: A report by IUCN

Throughout the Mediterranean region, environmental organizations are rolling out different types of Nature-based Solutions to tackle key societal challenges in a variety of ecosystems. In a Mediterranean context of increased temperatures, sea level rise, more frequent extreme weather events, ... read more

Outsmart Climate Change: Work with Nature!

Outsmart Climate Change: Work with Nature!

While climate change is becoming more and more of a concrete reality, impacting people and places throughout the Mediterranean region, a broad range of Nature-based Solutions are available to enhance society’s resilience in this new, dynamic and highly challenging context. Nature-based ... read more

Ulcinj Salina  – a Bird Paradise and Important Nesting and Resting Site on the Adriatic Flyway

Ulcinj Salina – a Bird Paradise and Important Nesting and Resting Site on the Adriatic Flyway

This brochure will provide you with useful information about Ulcinj Salina in Montenegro which is a very special place for birds and for people. More than 250 species of birds, interesting plants and a beautiful landscape can be found in this valuable wetland. Besides interesting information ... read more

Interview with Jean Jalbert on Nature-Based Solutions by Plan Bleu

Interview with Jean Jalbert on Nature-Based Solutions by Plan Bleu

An interview with Jean Jalbert, director-general of Tour du Valat, conducted during an International Workshop on "Implementation of Nature Based Solutions to tackle climate change: Focus on the Mediterranean region". read more

International Workshop on Implementing Nature Based Solutions to tackle climate change in the Mediterranean

International Workshop on Implementing Nature Based Solutions to tackle climate change in the Mediterranean

Researchers, practitioners and policy makers of the Mediterranean region and European Union were gathered from 22 to 24 January to discuss on the benefits and challenges related to Nature Based Solutions implementation. The city of Marseille hosted the workshop "Implementation of Nature-based ... read more

Nature-Based Solutions in the Camargue’s Former Saltworks

Nature-Based Solutions in the Camargue’s Former Saltworks

In order to mitigate the consequences of climate change that are predicted to increase in the 21th century, Nature-Based Solutions appear more and more as an efficient answer on a long-term basis, economical for public finances, and positive for natural ecosystems. This leaflet introduces to ... read more

Maristanis: Integrated Management of Coastal and Marine Habitats of the Oristano Gulf

Maristanis: Integrated Management of Coastal and Marine Habitats of the Oristano Gulf

The Gulf of Oristano, in Sardinia (Italy), boasts 7,700 hectares of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), which stretch along 200 km of coastline from Capo Mannu to the lagoon of Marceddì. These wetlands are rich in biodiversity and provide significant economic, social and ... read more

Buna River Protection Project

Buna River Protection Project

The city of Ghar el Melh, in the north of Tunisia, has a rich natural and cultural heritage. It hosts the Ghar el Melh lagoon, a Wetland of International Importance, providing precious services to local community. Due to human activities within the lagoon, urgent actions are needed to save the ... read more

GEMWET- Conservation and Sustainable Development of Ghar el Melh, Tunisia.

GEMWET- Conservation and Sustainable Development of Ghar el Melh, Tunisia.

The city of Ghar el Melh, in the north of Tunisia, has a rich natural and cultural heritage. It hosts the Ghar el Melh lagoon, a Wetland of International Importance, providing precious services to local community. Due to human activities within the lagoon, urgent actions are needed to save the ... read more

Ulcinj Salina (Montenegro): Protecting, Restoring and Conserving a Key Wetland for Nature and People

Ulcinj Salina (Montenegro): Protecting, Restoring and Conserving a Key Wetland for Nature and People

The Ulcinj Salina, in Montenegro, is one of the most important stopovers for migrating birds along the Adriatic Flyway and is also a major nesting, wintering and roosting spot. The salt works, set up in this manmade wetland in the 1920s, ensured a good life for local workers and birds alike. ... read more

MedIsWet: The Mediterranean Island Wetlands Network

MedIsWet: The Mediterranean Island Wetlands Network

Wetlands on the Mediterranean islands are of unique importance for flora and fauna species and also provide precious services to human beings. Raising awareness about their values through the implementation of effective actions such as inventories and policy activities is needed to help ... read more

Saltpans Initiative for Coastal Wetland Conservation and Restoration in the Mediterranean Region

Saltpans Initiative for Coastal Wetland Conservation and Restoration in the Mediterranean Region

Saltpans are often part of larger wetland complexes and host many flora and fauna species that have become increasingly dependent on this manmade landscape. They are also home to artisanal practices of salt extraction that are mutually beneficial for both humans and nature. But saltpans are ... read more

Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2

Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2

The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory just published the new report "Mediterranean Wetlands Outlook 2: Solutions for Sustainable Mediterranean Wetlands (MWO-2)". The MWO-2 updates the situation of Mediterranean wetlands since 2012, the year of publication of the first Outlook report (MWO-1), ... read more

Water, Wetlands and Nature-Based-Solutions in a Nexus Context in the Mediterranean

Water, Wetlands and Nature-Based-Solutions in a Nexus Context in the Mediterranean

Wetlands are among the world's most productive environments. At the crossroads of key economic sectors, wetlands are wellsprings of biological diversity and provide vital natural resources as well as valuable services to mankind, representing a significant opportunity for "nature-based ... read more